Saturday, May 5, 2012

Words to Sing

There is a rhythm in the air
The music enveloping me
Compelling me to lift my voice and sing
Therefore, I deliver to men these words
Love is life and God is love
God’s love is life for me
The life which wills my heart
Uncovering my eyes
I see as I believe, the song on the wind
God is everything
In all things are his hands
Composer creator writer
My melody is his gift
I am the songbird

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R said...

Nice poem!

James M. Frost said...

Interesting view of god.

Unknown said...

You sing so well the joy that the Spirit instils into yours. This is a wonderful prayer and celebration of God's love of and life in you.

About The Author

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I speak with the voice my father gave me. Tempted at times to overly express my mind, instead I choose to write. To share with the world my views on Life, Liberty, and compassionate Justice... Not blinded by the illusion one voice will silence the crowd, I contend One voice can... and will ultimately Change The World

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