Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Prayer

In my tears I lift my head to You
I wonder what the meaning of my pain is
What am I to learn from this experience that could not be explained?
And yet I know there is a hope for me that I may grasp
When my troubles are too much to bear
That I keep in my time of distress for You gave it to me
I can always walk with You and Your comfort will always find me
But that does not cease my wondering if my life is pleasing to You
If I am truly fulfilling my entire promise
Have I deluded myself into thinking my prayer is so fragrant?

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I speak with the voice my father gave me. Tempted at times to overly express my mind, instead I choose to write. To share with the world my views on Life, Liberty, and compassionate Justice... Not blinded by the illusion one voice will silence the crowd, I contend One voice can... and will ultimately Change The World

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