Sunday, May 20, 2012

Heaven's Gift

Summer's Joy

Heaven smiles on me
Walking beneath the sun
Attached to a land of great plenty
I receive his gift
I worship him for it
My lasting provision

Yes he smiles at me
Lying in a field
Staring at the moon
At one with enemies natural to me
I adore his gift thankfully
I praise him
HaShem is splendor

 In Heaven they smile for me
As I lift my head - smiling back
Night and day having come and gone
I remain to testify of him

My God 

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James M. Frost said...

Interesting that you take that view.

joshxpie said...

thats really interesting i hope to read more

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I speak with the voice my father gave me. Tempted at times to overly express my mind, instead I choose to write. To share with the world my views on Life, Liberty, and compassionate Justice... Not blinded by the illusion one voice will silence the crowd, I contend One voice can... and will ultimately Change The World

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